Removal and Reactivation of Solar Panels

The Solar Panel Systems Company is your one-stop-shop for solar panel repairs and reactivation. With our team and network of solar experts, you can get:

  • Quicker TATs (turnaround times)
  • Low repair costs
  • None of the repair headaches
  • Easy processing of insurance paper works
  • 30-day guarantee on parts and labor
  • 7-year Roof Penetration Warranty

We know how complicated solar panel systems are, so we can always help you with them. Removing panels to move them or making roof repairs and need panel reactivation? We are the go-to experts to do the job for you. We can safely remove, reinstall, and reactivate them while you have your coffee or beer.

We serve both residential and commercial spaces. Need solar panel repair and reactivation today? Call, chat, or message us today for an instant quote and appointment.